Myth, Mistique and Melancholy

You can not say that this is the most important page while flipping through a book. The same can be said of life and its various experiences.

~ Atanu Tarafder

As the landscape artists capture the essence of the natural vision, they relate it with the expanse of human consciousness. Thus, a communicable symbolism is created through this aesthetic process – enlightening for the artist as well as the audience, both. This exchange of wisdom is possible when the artist is true to the emotions portrayed, spontaneous emotions expressed with untarnished honesty. A prerequisite of this responsibility is devotion, which any artistic endeavour demands. Atanu Tarafdar, a self taught artist drawn towards this aesthetic belief and motivated by the same, presents his landscapes and compositions to us.

The Journey
The Journey

You can not say that this is the most important page while flipping through a book. The same can be said of life and its various experiences.  It’s not about some pre-defined starting points or any coveted destination.  It really is all about the journey; and the journey must be crazy and full of exploration.  

Call me mad, or intoxicated..But I am in love with my sadness. I truly believe sadness is the purest human feeling.  This is a silhouette painting; –  a sad silhouette landscapes of our lives. 

A charcoal silhouette painting, on 6″×8″ inches bustro paper (I used black and white charcoal).

I learned a lot of things while experimenting the silhouettes. I think if you do not have enough doubts  in your mind , that means you have not explored enough . Each theory should be cross verified with reality . Lot of books and theories need to be explored to reach the final conclusion.

If you ask me about the most important factors , I would like to say , observation is the key which can lead you to your goals. An artist should primarily see and observe the form correctly and try to coordinate the mind , eye and hand to draw better . 

Many people think that result is most important in art . But I think you should enjoy every bit of your drawing or painting process without caring much about results. Every stroke of pencil should give you joy and satisfaction. Give yourself some time to learn , practice and understand things and then results will be no issue for you . When you start enjoying the process of learning , you become the true learner and I’m sure such people come up with magical results . 

Art is a very natural aspects within us. Let it be natural , do not make it mechanical. At the end of the day , it doesn’t matter just that you succeed , it matters how you do. Because the alternative is that it all goes to nothing. The canvas still remains blank and what good is that?…


This painting depicts that Solitude can be peaceful, if you know how to be your own  friend.

Peace is an important human need. It refers to a certain kind of silence or reconciliation with oneself. It means to be able to live with oneself in harmony. 

This painting is also about inner peace – one that calms our mind and allows us to see our path much clearer, helping us focus and keep track of our goals. Having clear goals is like having a compass; you know where you want to go, you aim for it and commit to the road, trusting that all obstacles are worthy challenges rather than intimidating threats.

Peace is a quiet Sunday morning as you sit on a deck in the woods and watch the birds. Peace is compassion for others. Peace is being able to grow and thrive and be who you are. Peace is freedom from binary concepts and thinking. Peace is the accurate way to maintain love in ourselves. 

This is a charcoal painting, on 8″×10″ inches bustro paper.

The Dream


The Dream

The basic idea is that a dream’s meaning doesn’t come from the images in the dream. Instead, you create the meaning by analyzing how you responded to events in the dream . 

In ancient times , people saw dreams as vessels of meaning that contained divine messages and had power to alter history.  

Sometimes if you feel happy about flying in your dream, one typical interpretation is that you are feeling a sense of freedom. This might be because you’ve risen above something in your life . 

Here’s the lady wanted to protect her dream , her inner lights.  She can stay in a place with her dreams and fly away wherever or whenever she wants . She has a gentle look to maintain her maturity and elegance. The flowers are resemblance of her beauty and she is also queen in her dreams. Background color is not so vivid so that I can paint a bright gesture and that’s why I tried to give it a rusty look .

This is a oil painting made on 24″×30″ inches canvas.


Medusa, in Greek mythology, the most famous of the monster figures known as Gorgons. She was usually represented as a winged female creature having a head of hair consisting of snakes; unlike the Gorgons, she was sometimes represented as very beautiful. Medusa was the only Gorgon who was mortal; hence her slayer, Perseus, was able to kill her by cutting off her head. From the blood that spurted from her neck sprang Chrysaor and Pegasus, her two sons by Poseidon.

When Medusa had an affair with the sea god Poseidon, Athena punished her. She turned Medusa into a hideous hag, making her hair into writhing snakes and her skin was turned a greenish hue. Anyone who locked gaze with Medusa was turned into stone. 

 I tried to create a voidness through the painting.  This painting is almost a by color painting. And I intentionally made the character at a static position and tried to give it a rocky feel . Her eyes are so calm and cold like snakes . 

Medusa represents philosophy,  beauty and art. 

This is a oil painting made on 14″×18″inches canvas.