Perfectly Unfinished and Other Poems – Fazila Nurani
“I wish we could buddy breathe with one regulator
breath held as we taxi to the gate
fingers tingling, ears ringing…”
Fazila Nurani writes her perfectly unifinished poems.
“I wish we could buddy breathe with one regulator
breath held as we taxi to the gate
fingers tingling, ears ringing…”
Fazila Nurani writes her perfectly unifinished poems.
“Your saree like a butterfly’s wing,
Flies over your green and mustard house.”
Writes Amrita Chakraborti.
“With eyes closed, I swam butterfly-netting your dreams book, split your head open in the sparkling Canadian snow
laughing then not laughing.”
Writes Emily Kate Hastings.
‘উল্লম্ব সাহস’,’ছেঁড়া পদ্যের বাস্কেটবলে’ এবং ‘এলিজাবেথান সনেটের বই ‘ তিনটি কবিতা লিখছেন তিনজন কবি রবিন বণিক, অমিত চক্রবর্তী এবং স্বপ্ননীল রুদ্র।
‘সতীপীঠ’, ‘আষাঢ়স্য প্রথম দিবসে’ এবং ‘ফসলের গান’ – পৌষালী চক্রবর্তীর তিনটি কবিতা।
“I remember “cold fireworks”. I remember other things.”
– DS Maolalai writes on open skies, careful phrases, and making footprints on grass.
‘একটি নিখুঁত কবিতা’,’ঘনত্ব’ ও ‘পুনর্জন্ম’- পিয়াংকী মুখার্জীর তিনটি কবিতা।
“I remember a thought/Frail moment, seconds of fragility/And now time hangs in my air.”
Puja Sen Majumdar writes her July Poems.
“After all this while, that last phone call
is like salt on a dead man’s tongue;
neither too much nor too little…”
How We Made It Home – a three-part poem by Sahana Mukherjee.